Click and Grow Experiment: Carrots, Day 10

Two of the sprouts are doing well! They are super tiny and thin! The middle one is also okay, just 5 days behind for some reason. I tried researching this variety some more and seeing if reviews on the Baker Creek site would tell me when to harvest. Seems like the amount of time varied and the only review that gave an exact amount said "3 months". I don't know if I have this kind of time (since I'm trying to get a job in Japan which will require packing everything up) so we'll see. I think the greens will be the best way to judge if it's ready since I assume at some point they will stop growing. I've never grown carrots before so I'm guessing! I know I said I'd pull them at 50, 60, and 70 days but that seems like more work now, I will try to pull them at the same time using my best judgement.

If you missed previous posts about this experiment you can find them here:

Also, check out my previous experiment(s):
