Click and Grow Experiment: Day 1
I decided to start the experiment yesterday since I've been encouraged to move around while recovering from surgery. It's been a tough week and I hope things heal faster :(
At the moment, the setup looks like this:
Anyway, I received the replacement pods for AeroGarden and it looks like it fits really well in the 3D printed pod. There is some space up top but that could help the dirt breathe.
I wasn't able to get a picture of it on the inside but the water level needs to come up pretty high for it to touch the bottom of the AeroPod. Below is how the water leveler looks at this amount of water:
You can see just how high it is but luckily the water level doesn't go above the unit. I will either need to keep it at this level or water from the top until the roots are long enough.
I decided to be ambitious with the seeds I'll grow. The AeroPod will have Roma tomatoes while the completely covered pod will have a type of Bok Choy (Hedou) using a C&G Experimental Pod. The peat pods will hold any extra seedlings. You'll notice I covered the other pods with paper towels. I'm hoping this will prevent any mold on the wicks.
With both seeds, I'm using the petri dish method for sprouting since I'm limited in space. The dishes have been placed under the grow lights. In about 5 to 7 days I'll have sprouts that I can transfer into the unit. Right now, all pods in the unit are empty but by filling it early I'm allowing time for the soil and pods to become wet.
If you missed previous posts about this experiment you can find them here:
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