Click and Grow Experiment: Day 70, Epilogue!
So here's a quick update on the Roma Tomato. For those that didn't know (like me) Roma's don't reach maturity until at least 3 feet tall, which can take about 70 days to get to. Whoops!
I ended up keeping it in the unit even though early on I could tell it was going to be big. The roots were not restricted much since it has the whole tank. So, I thought it would be interesting to turn my mistake (of not transferring it) into an experiment within the experiment. Keep in mind the Roma was put into a 3D printed AeroGarden pod (basically a net cup). Here's what it looks like now:
Obviously in this picture you can't see anything! I just wanted to be consistent with my set-up photos. Here are other angles:
As you can see it's a bit larger than 3ft (close to 5ft now). Over 10 days ago was actually when it was around the height of maturity. No fruits or flowers yet (from what I can see anyway). If it did produce flowers or fruits those would need another 70 days to mature. I don't think this plant will last that long. It's already touching the ceiling, soon it will wrap back down.
The bottom leaves are starting to die off but the leaves above the lights are still very healthy. You'll notice that at the lights I tied the plant to it since I did not have any way of staking it. I thought about moving the plant to the back so I could maybe tape it to the cabinet, but the roots are filling the tank making it hard to adjust. I was able to tape it down midway after it started swaying toward the cabinets.
When I'm done with this plant (or when it dies) I'll lay out the roots so I can see just how much they grew. I'll take a picture and be sure to post it to the group!
Some Take Aways:
- The AeroGarden pod allowed me to grow a large plant that normally wouldn't survive in the C&G unit! Many of you have already started using net cups but I wonder if you should modify it a bit more? For example, when I see photos of net cups I see that many fill the gaps with clay pellets. Maybe try some foam so that the roots can still occupy that space without having to go around materials. I think this would make a big difference because that's what I noticed with my AeroPod. The roots went wild and filled literally every space they could. Since there was nothing in the way they were more "free" I guess. Same advice for those 3D printing custom cups, try to include as many gaps as possible. My roots are completely white and healthy compared to other photos I've seen (as the plant grows older this could change of course).
- Anyone who says the C&G unit is a waste of money or focuses on what they can't do should try experimenting. I just proved that I can grow 3ft+ plants in unit! I understand wanting to be upset at the company for false advertising or feeling like you spent over $100+ on junk but you are the only one stopping yourself from turning it around. I hated the fact I was getting mold/algae and that it was harming my plants and me (despite what many claim, not everyone will experience the same things). So, I started experimenting a bit. And now, I feel like I can grow anything! Never think you can rely on a company. When people buy things with lifetime warranties, it's not your lifetime, it's the company's. Nothing is guaranteed to always be there. I know this from experience when I almost lost $1000 to a gardening Kickstarter that went bankrupt because they put the publics needs before the backers (I was able to pester the creator for a refund 2 weeks before this happened). 2020 has already been a really tough year for everyone, don't let it take more from you.
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