Click and Grow Experiment: Day 20

Both Roma Tomato and Bok Choy are coming along nicely. In the set-up picture below you'll again see that the peat pods have nothing in them. 

Growing from seed didn't work, I'm just going to give up on it. The other pods are doing so well that I don't think I'll need to find a new soil substitute.

Roma is growing tall! As I stated before, it did get leggy as a sprout. I think to avoid this in the future I could take the second cover of the lid off. If you remember from the Materials Used post I made, the pod consists of 4 pieces. The two half circles which creates an almost closed lid is what I'd remove to let more of the light in. This does risk getting algae in the tank though. I'll figure out if that's the right move to do for the next experiment. By the time the plant flowers it will be close to the lights. I'm going to leave it in the unit to see how well it does. 

As you can see from the second picture above, the roots are very healthy (no discoloration)! Every 2 weeks I add some of AeroGarden's liquid nutrients which so far have not harmed the Bok Choy in the C&G experimental pod. I've seen that sometimes certain nutrients don't mix well together.

Honestly, I thought this variety of Bok Choy would be smaller. It was advertised as such but it is still smaller than C&G Bok Choy. The outer leaves are as big as they are going to get. The second picture looks like there might be mold there but it's actually the roots. When I dropped the sprout in, it went in awkwardly so now you can see the roots clearly. Since the last time I wiped the soil (over 10 days ago) it has not produced anymore mold. There is still algae but very little and manageable.

Again, very happy with these results so far! Anyone suffering from mold or algae should definitely try one of these. If you do not have access to a 3D printer, I'd be willing to print and send them to you (assuming you at least pay for the print). The full cover lid is what I'd suggest you go with if you want to keep using C&G pods :]

If you missed previous posts about this experiment you can find them here:
